Our gas dock is open and ready for our 50th year servicing the lake! Our hours and amenities are limited while we continue to launch boats and prepare for the season ahead. Hours of operation are currently 3-7 on weekdays, and 10-6 on weekends. Our gas shack is minimally stocked at the moment, however we… Read more »
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Gas Dock Opening Date
As we near the season, we will inform you when our gas dock will officially open. Thanks for your patience, and see you all soon.
Thank You Greenwood Marina Customers!
We would like to thank all of our loyal Greenwood Marina customers for their support over the many years. It makes us that much more excited to introduce new dock slips to all of our slip customers, new loyalty programs to our gas dock customers, and our new website for better navigation to potential new,… Read more »
New Website Launch
We would like to announce that our new website has launched. Please check back regularly for updates throughout the year.